


Syntax: node

Display the current node.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node

node activate

Syntax: node activate [<node>] [<zone>]

Activate the current or given (<node>) node from the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node which will be activated.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node activate

node connect

Syntax: node connect <node_address> [<zone>]

Connect node identified by <node_address> address to the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
<node_address> Address of node.
[<zone>] Name of zone to which add node.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node connect node2

node deactivate

Syntax: node deactivate [<node>] [<zone>] [force]

Deactivate the current or given (<node>) node from the current or given (<zone>) zone ('force' flag makes main server unavailable).

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node which will be deactivated.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.
[force] Make main server unavailable.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node deactivate

node disconnect

Syntax: node disconnect [<node>] [<zone>] [force]

Disconnect the current or given (<node>) node from the current or given (<zone>) zone ('force' flag removes node from configuration even when error occurs).

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node which will be disconnected.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which disconnect node.
[force] Remove node from configuration even when error occurs.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node disconnect

node list

Syntax: node list [<zone>]

List of all nodes in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<zone>] Name of zone from which list nodes.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node list

node peer add

Syntax: node peer add <dst_external_peer> [<src_node>] [<zone>]

Add an external peer (<dst_external_peer>) to the current or given (<src_node>) node's configuration in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
<dst_external_peer> Name of external node to add.
[<src_node>] Name of node to update configuration.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node pper add extNode1

node peer remove

Syntax: node peer remove <dst_external_peer> [<src_node>] [<zone>]

Remove an external peer (<dst_external_peer>) from the current or given (<src_node>) node's configuration in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
<dst_external_peer> Name of external node to remove.
[<src_node>] Name of node to update configuration.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node peer remove extNode1

node peers

Syntax: node peers [<node>] [<zone>]

Node peers on the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to show peers.
[<zone>] Name of zone in which node is located.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node peers

node repo

Syntax: node repo [<node>] [<zone>]

Show node's service repository for the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to show service repository.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node repo

node runtime

Syntax: node runtime [threads|memory|cpu] [<node>] [<zone>]

Show runtime statistics of the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[threads|memory|cpu] Threads, memory or cpu statistics.
[<node>] Name of node to show runtime statistics.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node runtime

node servers list

Syntax: node servers list [<node>] [<zone>]

Show list of logical servers on the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to show servers.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node servers list

node shutdown

Syntax: node shutdown [<node>] [<zone>]

Shutdown the Main Server on the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to shutdown.
[<zone>] Name of zone in which shutdown node.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node shutdown

node status

Syntax: node status [<node>] [<zone>]

Show the status of the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to show status.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node status

node terminate

Syntax: node terminate [<node>] [<zone>]

Terminate the Main Server on the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to terminate.
[<zone>] Name of zone in which terminate node.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node terminate

node version

Syntax: node version [<node>] [<zone>]

Show server version of the current or given (<node>) node in the current or given (<zone>) zone.

Argument Information
[<node>] Name of node to show server version.
[<zone>] Name of zone from which node will be taken.


admin@/jlupin/zone/zone1/node1> node version