Technical microservice - create

Technical microservices are put into platform/technical directory. It's files structure is:

+--+ [technical-microservice-name]
   +--+ linux
   |  |
   |  +--- configuration.yml
   |  |
   |  +--- [...] (other microservice's files)
   +--+ windows
      +--- configuration.yml
      +--- [...] (other microservice's files)

As you can see there two directories: one for linux system and one for windows. JLupin Platform check which OS it is running and takes proper configuration. Of course you can put only one configuration, for example for linux. File configuration.yml has same structure for both systems but commands required to run technical microservice are different. Creating technical microservice requires to provided scripts or programs to execute for each required command: start, stop. Optionally you can also define script to retrieve technical microservice's PID form system or some custom additional commands you want and then execute them from control.