
Goto to download section and get your copy of JLupin Platform Community Edition.


JLupin Platform (JLP) is distributed as zip file, in contains 'platform' directory where all JLP's resources are located. To order to install JLP:

1) Choose the name of the destination directory (ex. jlupin). Please be advised that on Windows platform the name should not contain any whitespace characters.

2) Create the destination directory (ex. /opt/jlupin or c:\Program Files\JLupin). The full path leading to this directory is called JLUPIN_HOME.

3) Extract downloaded archive into that directory.

4) On Linux, please remember about proper rights for certain files:

chmod 750 platform/start/
chmod 750 platform/start/

CHECK if OpenJDK / OracleJDK is already installed on your host / computer.


Initial parameters

The initial configuration are provided by:


where the following parameters can be useful now:

  • JAVA_HOME - by default JLupin Platform's start script tries to set the value automatically. Set the JAVA_HOME here when automatic mechanisms fail.
  • JAVA_OPTS - memory settings for Main Server' JVM process. The default value is enough for most use cases. Increase it only in case of performance issues and after consulting with support service.

If you want to get to know all possibilities read this chapter please

Now, JLP is ready to serve :)

Run and manage

How to start ?

  • Windows: %JLUPIN_HOME%\platform\start\start.cmd
  • Linux: $JLUPIN_HOME/platform/start/

Easy, isn't it ? :)

How to check ?

If you go through this quickstart with Community Edition you can get to the example application in microservice architecture. Enter this URL to your browser:


You should get the following result:

Figure 1. The example application.

The diagram also shows the traffic flow of the request coming from you (your browser) :)

If you start JLupin Platform on another node than your own workstations, modify the address in your browser accordingly.

How to manage ?

CLI Console


  • Windows: %JLUPIN_HOME%\platform\start\control.cmd
  • Linux: $JLUPIN_HOME/platform/start/

to start the CLI console in interactive mode. Run help to get the full list of available commands. The most popular use cases are presented below. The full description is available in further chapters.

NOTICE that all examples are prepared for interactive mode of the local console, in order to run it in batch mode follow the pattern:

  • on Windows:
control.cmd <command_with_its_parameters>
  • Linux: <command_with_its_parameters>

Operate the microservice

Ok, so let's go through some use cases:

  • Check status of the microservice
> microservice status exchange-rates
  • Stop the microservice
> microservice stop exchange-rates
  • Start the microservice
> microservice start exchange-rates
  • Restart the microservice
> microservice restart exchange-rates

If you would like to execute command in scope of all microservices (ex. restart all) don't specify the name of microservice. For example, to restart all, execute:

> microservice restart *

Operate the node

  • Show JLupin node status
> node status
  • Stop JLupin Platform (and all microservices)
> node shutdown
  • Stop force JLupin Platform (and all microservices)
> node terminate

Web Console

You can also explore your environment using JLupin Platform Web Console. To start your journey in "Web" world you need to:

  • deploy (version suitable to your environment, I mean: or using CLI (the files by default are located in the default repository - $JLUPIN_HOME/platform/upload)
> microservice deploy


> microservice deploy

and enjoy the web console opening the URL: https://localhost8888/webcontrol (user: admin, password: admin):

Figure 2. JLupin Platform Web Console.

If you need some more information about it, please refer to documentation.