Packages structure

Plugin follows general package structure that is:

+ [groupId]
  + bean
    + impl
    + interfaces
    + pojo
  + common
    + pojo
    + util
  + configuration
  + controller
  + dao
    + impl
    + interfaces
    + pojo
  + service
    + impl
    + interfaces
    + pojo

As you can see three packages have same structure inside: bean, dao, service. All three are for defining bean. A difference is in their purpose (and annotation used by plugin when creating). It is standard followed by Spring. All of them are just services but with different kind of tasks to resolve.

Package for shared classes is called common and splited into two fields: pojo and util. First one is for general objects, second one is for utility classes (helpers).

All configuration classes should be put inside configuration package. Pluging by default generates these classes here.