Project pom.xml

This is main pom.xml file for whole project.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


        <!-- Repository is also accessible using https connection: -->
        <!-- -->

        <!-- Repository is also accessible using https connection: -->
        <!-- -->







What can be found in this file?

  • Parent of this project is set to jlupin-platform-parent which contains definion of versions of dependencies and plugins used for platform.
  • Added repository with jlupin's dependencies.
  • List of modules which are included in project.
  • Properties common for all children (versions defined as properties for all dependencies/plugins not defined in jlupin-plaform-parent). This is a good place to add your project global properties.
  • For convinence jlupin.deploy.skip is set to false and then enabled only for modules which are microservices. This way you can use command mvn jlupin-platform:deploy without a problem of using plugin for all modules.
  • Useful property main.dir is set (it is also overwritten in child modules) for accessing your main project directory.